Best Nautical Antique Marine Equipment Supplier in Bangladesh

Best neutical antique marine equipment supplier in Bangladesh

Nautical Antique Marine

Nautical antiques are collectibles that are used for decoration by collectors. Some of these antiques are old marine equipment, like anchors, compasses, ship wheels, and many more. When it comes to nautical antique marine products, people are often unaware of what they should look for. There are many types of nautical antique marine products which are used for many purposes. Today, we will talk about various types of nautical antique marine equipment that are usable for interior and exterior home design.  


Types of Nautical Antique Marine Products

Nautical Antique Marine Products are many types that can be used for many cases. The most popular is the anchor which is usually mounted on the bow of a boat. 

There are also other types of nautical antique marine products such as life rings, buoys, lighthouses, Brass Bells, Portholes, Telegraphs, Binnacles, Wooden Grates, Steering Wheels, and so on.




 An anchor can come in a variety of materials and shapes. They are also usually mounted on the bow of the boat. 

Life Ring

Life Rings:

 Life rings are floating devices used to help people get back into the water when out of reach from a boat’s ladder.  They are made of neoprene, a synthetic rubber. 

Magnetic Lures:

 Magnetic Lures These are pieces of metal with a magnet embedded in them that look and move like baitfish. They help attract fish to your boat and are usually cast into the water with a line or reel. 

Marine Lamps are fixtures on boats to provide illumination at night for navigation, signaling, and fishing purposes. Some lights have been designed to resemble lanterns, although sometimes they come in other shapes.


Brass Bell: 

The brass bell is a maritime signaling device that was used to signal the time to sailors. The bell would be struck on the hour to signal the time. Brass bells are still used today on boats worldwide as they are inexpensive to provide sailors with timekeeping while at sea. 


The porthole is a glass window that is set into the side of a ship or boat, usually near the waterline, and is designed to let light and fresh air into the vessel.

Portholes are also used today as they provide light and ventilation for boats which helps prevent suffocation from lack of oxygen in closed spaces.


Best porthole supplier in Bangladesh
Portholes supplier

Brass bells and Portholes suppliers – Jahanaratco

Brass bells and Portholes are a type of decoration that is often seen on the outside of buildings. They are used to enhance the architectural beauty of the building, by adding to the structure and giving it a pleasing form. Brass bells and portholes are decorative items that have a design that is usually shaped like a bell or an open-faced hourglass. They vary in size and color but typically come in brass. These items are often attached to the exterior of buildings for decoration purposes. They can be found in churches, hospitals, schools, commercial buildings, and more. 


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